Gouda – you likely recognize the name because of the cheese, but the delicious stroopwafel also hails from this Dutch city. Made from thin waffle discs sandwiching a layer of gooey caramel-like syrup, it’s got a lovely chew and hints of cinnamon. While you can (inconsistently) buy them at the local supermarket, I was recently gifted with two tins straight from Holland. And once I got them into my hands, I was certainly eager to sample my loot. But while you might eat them straight out of the bag, you’d be missing out.
To really enjoy the stroopwafel you need a hot beverage and the right mug. My default drink is some kind of tea (jasmine or earl grey, usually), so I grab my kettle, fill it with water, and set it to boil. Next step: mug selection. My default mug – a ceramic, pint-glass height, japanese tea cup (I drink a lot of tea) – isn’t what I’m looking for today. What you need is a mug that just fits the diameter of the cookie so that it rests on the rim, and my default would see the stroopwafel sink to the bottom like the Titanic. A little more digging in the cupboard yields a coffee mug that fits the bill perfectly.
I hear the familliar click of the kettle as the water finishes its boil and I fill my mug with the steaming hot water, watching the pearls of jasmine tea dance around the bottom of the cup. I stop the pour when I get to about 3cm/1″ from the top – enough space to ensure that no liquid will touch the cookie directly. I place the stroopwafel gently on the rim – and now here’s the hard part – I have to wait about 5 minutes. 5 minutes to anticipate that first bite as your teeth sink into the soft-and-crispy treat. 5 minutes for the gentle aroma of cinnamon and sugar to rise from the warming cookie.
It’s a long 5 minutes.
Finally ready, one side will be soft and slightly damp from the heat of the steam and the other will have retained its crispness. You should breathe in the warm scent of waffle and spice as you bring the cookie to your mouth. Sometimes, like tectonic plates, the two waffle discs will slide and shift a bit as you take your first bite. A bit crumbly and a bit chewy, strings of the caramel-like syrup will briefly bridge the gap between teeth and cookie as you pull it away.

These Markus & Markus Stroopwafels came in a lovely tin done in the blue Delft pottery style.
I’ll eat a stroopwafel as a light after-dinner sweet or even for breakfast. But my favourite time is afternoon tea with the light streaming through the window. It’s a deep breath laced with sugar, butter, and spice – when you can take a moment to follow the ritual – and enjoy the pause in your day.
March 23, 2010 at 12:14 pm
I pigged out on these while in Amsterdam. Unfortunately I have yet to make to somewhere there that makes them fresh. Nevertheless they are still delicious. I’ve also never taken the time to prep them as you do…must get some more and try this out some time.
And thanks Jen, this blog post has made me SOOO hungry for a sweet snack!
March 23, 2010 at 7:51 pm
I had something very similar to this in Belgium, just south of the Netherlands, but I do believe these look a little more tasty.
March 23, 2010 at 10:35 pm
Afternoon Tea Fan > Sadly, these aren’t the fresh ones! I will have to find a place some time.
Rick Must try them warmed!! Gooey! Yummy!
May 8, 2010 at 1:38 am
As a former resident of the Netherlands, I’m happy to see you doing it right! There is no greater pleasure in my mind than hot tea, stroopwafels and good conversation on a sunny afternoon. The only difficulty is eating just one!
Tip for a better stroopwafel: make sure they are made with real butter…makes all the difference in the world.
May 8, 2010 at 7:37 pm
Dutchie > I will be on the look out for butter-based stroopwafels. I keep eyeing some maple ones at the Loblaws I frequent. I may break down soon and get them for ah… testing purposes… yes.
August 19, 2010 at 9:24 pm
They are pretty easy to make yourself, just need the right tools.
Check out the website, http://www.stroopwafel.ca and call them if you are interested.
August 21, 2010 at 5:36 pm
Thanks DutchGuy… however, $150 to make stroopwafels at home is more than I’d want to bother with! Maybe if there was a $50 kit. Ah well, I’ll just keep forking over my dollars to eat the local stuff (which isn’t bad at all!).
December 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm
stroopwaffels are available in canada baked fresh daily by the thousands. They are from the same recipe as the Markus stroopwaffels you purchased in the tin in holland.
I have made many in my life in Norwich |Ontario. The waffle is called Double Dutch. google it if you like
January 14, 2012 at 10:54 am
Thanks Sarine! I definitely don’t mind eating the stroopwaffels we get here! Fresher/local is generally better, for many things!
October 30, 2012 at 4:37 pm
iLoveStroopwafels.com bakes them fresh in the US!
March 5, 2013 at 4:41 am
I tried this with a mug of Raspberry tea .. It was such an AWESOME moment…
Thank you !
June 7, 2014 at 7:16 am
We recently spent 2 weeks travelling through The Netherlnds. The grandchildren became addicted to the delicious “stroopwafels”. On most markets we found a “stroopwafel maker” and the freshly made ones, hot from the press, are the best. We found a Dutch company here in Wales (UK) that makes them to the original recipe and they are available at Waitrose. There are many supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl who sell a similar looking product sometimes but they are nothing like the Dutch one and lack the cinnamon flavour and the gooey and chewy that makes the waffle taste so good, particularly when warmed as suggested in the article.Not that the grandchildren ever had the patience to wait for us to warm them.