Happy Pi(e) Day!

The Melton Mowbray hand pie that I made for Pi(e) Day.
It’s March 14, and I celebrated it early this past Sunday with food-fanatic friends. 14 of us. 23 pies. 7 of those savoury. Then we had a session where we compared pie dough. Mostly as an excuse to eat more pie dough. Get more details from my lovely friends Bonita (table shot at the end of the post!) and Candy. Or see Frankenpie (on my instagram): a slice of all the pies in one dish (to eat later)!
Now, for some food events in the next while that I’ve ear marked.
Dillon’s Small Batch Distillery Tasting (March 14)
Tonight at Gilead! $5 Cocktails and a menu of nibbles from JK’s signature dishes will be available. Love Dillon’s gin and their bitters. If you missed their structured tasting with Death Row Meals last week, here’s your chance. From 6:30-9. No reservations needed, just go!
Macaron Day Toronto (March 20)
Free macarons you say?! From shops all over Toronto? Why yes indeed! Get to ’em early though, as they have limited supplies. Of course, once you’re there, you can buy selected treats where 25% of its proceeds will benefit Red Door Family Shelter.
Taste of Iceland (March 21-24) *SOLD OUT*
Sold out, but still worth mentioning: a four-course prix fixe created by Drake’s head chef Darren Glew and Bocuse D’Or winning chef Hákon Már Örvarsson of Iceland. Traditionally-prepared fish, free-range lamb, and skyr were all mentioned. Hákarl wasn’t specifically named, but maybe that’s the “traditionally-prepared fish” mentioned? I’m guessing here. Still, a good opportunity to try some Icelandic cuisine without leaving the GTA. If you can find a ticket.
Group Of 7: French Bistro Dinner at Mogette (March 25)
Canapés, cocktails, and a 5-course bistro dinner. Haven’t seen a menu posted yet, but this could be interesting! I’m keeping an eye on this one. 2 of 3 Go7 events (see Hunter’s Feast and Hogtown Throwdown) I’ve been to have been down right awesome.
TIFF Series – Food On Film: David Chang (April 3)
A series of culinary cinema and conversation from chefs and food experts. Great films coming up and though I missed plugging yesterday’s event with James Oseland and viewing of The Trip, next up is David Chang on Eat Drink Man Woman. Last year’s presentation of Julie & Julia that I attended had Chef Jason Bangerter hosting and there was time after the movie for the food expert to speak take questions from the audience. Worth checking out for those interested in the film and presenter both.
- April 3 – David Chang on Eat Drink Man Woman http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiffbelllightbox/2013/2550006685
- April 24 – Aldo Sohm on Sideways http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiffbelllightbox/2013/2550007011
- May 15 – Anita Stewart on Food Inc. http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiffbelllightbox/2013/2550006686
- June 19 – Kent Kirshenbaum on El Bulli: Cooking in Progress http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiffbelllightbox/2013/2550007165
Terroir Symposium (April 8)
This year’s Terroir focuses on the stories of compelling food experiences, memories, and inspirations. Superstar chefs Magnus Nilsson (Faviken, Sweden) and René Redzepi (Noma, Denmark) are on deck as presenters. I didn’t make it out for their chef shoot (unlike last year), but if you’re interested in the discussion of food, this is a good event to hit.
Dubon Chicken Pop-up (April 8-9)
Love me some Korean fried chicken, and this 2-day pop-up at Elle M’a Dit does not escape my love. I know nothing more about this than the fact that I will go, eat this, and then karaoke. *nods*