With colourful fabric waving gently in the air, people slowly wandered in to a small patio-like area off of York between Adelaide and Richmond. Twilight Tuesdays, hosted by the Drake One Fifty, is a small market-like mini festival that runs from 5-9pm. Eats are anchored by Drake One Fifty and Momofuku, with The Gabardine and Richmond Station (they’re tonight) tag-teaming on alternate weeks. Augie’s Ice Pops also made a welcome appearance. It’s a cute event that gained a crazy-long lineup once 6pm rolled around. So get there early for a more chill atmosphere. Takes place every Tuesday for the month of August. Free entry, but you need to buy food tickets ($5) that you’ll exchange for your food item.

Momofuku’s baby bo ssam

I still might pick up the Drake General Store’s SOMA bar – toasted corn nuts!

Drake One Fifty’s Caja China all fired up

Great crackling on this pork roast from Drake One Fifty. Who needs bread!?

Drake One Fifty’s meaty offering with this flavourful chimichurri-llike sauce.

Drake General Store offerings

The Gabardine’s fried chicken

I highly recommend the Cucumber Chili Lime from Augie’s Ice Pops