Tag cabane a sucre

Canoe Shack-Up – Martin Picard x Anthony Walsh

In April, Chef Martin Picard came to Toronto to promote his book, Au Pied De Cochon Sugar Shack, by cooking a dinner with Chef Anthony Walsh at Canoe. Now, four courses may seem like a small number, but this is… Continue Reading →

Montréal, Day 5: Lunch @ Cabane à Sucre Au Pied de Cochon

While researching our trip, we read that Chef Martin Picard of Au Pied de Cochon had purchased a cabane à sucre and would be opening it the very same week we would be in Montréal.  We were initially unsure as… Continue Reading →

Off to Montreal!

In just a few hours we’ll be on our way to Montreal!  We’ve got a few days of eating, exploring, and digesting planned, and yes, we’re going to Au Pied de Cochon.  And what do you know, their cabane à… Continue Reading →

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